Les Eyzies de Tayac latest news and info
interesting and informative articles related to Les Eyzies and / or the surrounding area

Adventurous Hikes and Explorations
For the hiker that likes an adventure, and doesn’t mind getting dirty, then these hikes are a MUST!..

more and more people are coming to Les Eyzies and the Vezere Valley for Soul Searching purposes...

8 day Pilgrimage from Les Eyzies to Rocamadour and back
The Pilgrimage from Les Eyzies to Rocamadour and back is a marvelous 8 day hike

Font de Gaume 2016 Latest ticket Info
Visitors from around the world visit Les Eyzies de Tayac, with the main goal being a visit to Font de Gaume. The information on the internet is often outdated or completely wrong / false

Friendly Personal Tour Guide in the Dordogne
if you would like to see the “Best of” what the Dordogne has to offer with a local friendly Dordogne Tour Guide, then please contact me

Dordogne Hike The 7 Brothers Loop
The 7 Brothers Loop is a classic, scenic Dordogne Hike. It's an easy hike with huge rewards. The hike starts in Les Eyzies de Tayac

Grotte du Sorcier – The Sorcerers cave
The Grotte du Sorcier, also known as the Grotte de Saint-Cirq is one of the rare caves in the world with a prehistoric representation of a human figure.

Dordogne Cycling tours and bike rentals
The best way to explore the Dordogne Region is by bicycle. Aquitaine Bike’s rent 24-speed Cannondale and 24-speed Trek hybrid/touring bikes

The Trail of Wild Garlic
Trail of the Wild Garlic takes you along ancient trails to numerous Prehistoric caves, shelters, a sacred Prehistoric site, natural springs, stunning views and of course fields of wild Garlic

Forgotten Glory
Forgotten Glory is an exploration hike to a, what was once a small thriving hamlet consisting of about 20 homes and small farms and walled pastures

Mountain Biking around Les Eyzies
Les Eyzies de Tayac, in the heart of the Vezere Valley is without doubt the mountain biking capital of the Dordogne

La Roque St Christophe
These natural cavities were occupied by man in prehistoric times. Later on they were altered and became a fortress and a city in the Middle Ages

Chateau de Commarque
The Beune Valley has been occupied for a very long time. Around Commarque, prehistoric man has left numerous traces of his passage.

Forte de Reignac
Forte de Reignac is a stone’s throw from the Vezere, across from a ford, prehistoric men settled here more than 20.000 years ago

Laugerie Basse
Laugerie Basse's Prehistory dates back 15,000 years, but its History dates back only 130 years, precisely 1863, when Edouard Lartet, an eminent paleontologist, arrived in Les Eyzies

National Prehistoric Museum
The museum features unique archaeological collections chiefly discovered at the most prestigious excavation sites in the Vézère Valley, added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List owing to its many Palaeolithic remains

Explore Les Eyzies with Walking Dordogne
Let us take you back, to the places our ancestors called “home” more than 260000 years ago

Font de Gaume
Discovered in 1901 by D. Peyrony, the Cave, 130 m long, contains about 250 paintings. The visitor can only see 30 of them, the most beautiful ones and the best preserved

Abri de Cap Blanc
Tucked away in the Beune Valley a few kilometres from Les Eyzies, the Cap Blanc Prehistoric Centre reveals another aspect of Prehistoric Art Sculpture. Over 15 000 years ago